The Long Beach Section

The Long Beach, California Section of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America is comprised of a number of owners and enthusiasts that have a common bond, that of owning, driving and mutually admiring our fine Mercedes-Benz automobiles. Examples of our favorite marque range from the latest models fresh off of the showroom floor, to some of the great old classics and all of the wonderful models in between. We love to gather together and talk about these remarkable cars. We listen to knowledgeable experts tell us how to maintain and drive them effectively and every so often, get out on the road and drive to outings together or compete in tests of driving skill such as rallies or autocrosses. Our devoted club officers help us to enjoy effective meetings and events. You can view a copy of our newsletter or one from the archives. Now that you have read all this I bet that you have some questions, like........  


What are the benefits of club membership? What's in it for me? Tell me more!

Tell me about the club's award winning magazine, the "Star"

Tell me how I can win a new Mercedes-Benz automobile

Where can I find out more about the great Mercedes-Benz cars pictured on this page

Who/Where is our local dealership

Businesses that promote our local section of the club

How can I contact this section?

Where can I find E-mail lists that will help me maintain and repair my Benz?


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