This one is reported in the book "Blind Mans Bluff" " U.S. intelligence officials have long believed that a U.S. surface
ship sank a Soviet sub that came close to an aircraft carrier attack
force in 1951, early in the Korean War, according to two former
intelligence officers."
The true story of Rancher (USS McKean) sinking a Russian sub during the Korean war. The Russians wanted to sink an american carrier and change the course of the war.
serial 0001 - 5 January 1950 Underwater Contact, 18 December 1950 " probable submarine" Formerly TOP SECRET now declassified ! Large adobe PDF but worth it.
ASR 10 (USS Greenlet)
War Diary - 20 Dec. 1950 Diver over the side.
ASR 10 (USS Greenlet)
Deck Log December 1950
The true story of Rancher (USS McKean) sinking a Russian sub during the Korean war. The Russians wanted to sink an american carrier and change the course of the war.
Commander Destroyer Flotilla 1
Serial 0005 19 December 1950
ASW Operation " Evaluation of submarine contact of USS McKean which was held and developed by USS Frank Knox, USS Endicott, and USS Taussig " probable submarine" Formerly TOP SECRET now declassified ! Large adobe PDF but worth it.
Stories by crewmen of the Mighty Mac on the sinking of the Russian sub
Did the Mighty Mac run down and sink a Russian sub in 1965. The story here. Sources are checking on this in Washington D.C. and inside Russian.